Painting World Magazine + Surfaces and Supplies formerly Viking Woodcrafts supplies Books, Pattern Packets, Paint, Brushes, Unfinished Wood Surfaces, Craft Supplies and Accessories for the decorative artist and tole painter!

About Us

Viking Woodcrafts is the go-to supplier for Unfinished Wood Surfaces, Books, Pattern Packets, Paint, Brushes, and supplies for decorative artists, crafters, and tole painters! Viking has been a trusted leader in the industry since the 1970s.

Viking Woodcrafts is undergoing technical and design changes to meet the modern market place. We look forward to keeping all of our customers, artists, and wholesalers up to date and informed. Many new and great things are coming.

Did YOU know:

Viking recently added Brand Ambassadors, Social Media Promoters, Stencil & Stamp Designers, Exclusive Designers, and Subscription Box Designers for the Tole-tally Brushed Art Box. We will introduce you to them very soon. Some of them are top and trending artists in the decorative, tole, and crafting industry.

Viking is expanding it's surfaces and products. We will be adding lots of new items so please follow us on social media and don't forget to like our Facebook page.

You can now sing up and enjoy the new Viking Blog. The blog is published monthly with great information, how to's, and fun projects!

Viking strives to provide quality products, great shipping rates, and phenomenal customer service. You can enjoy competitive shipping rates and best of all you get free shipping on orders over $150.

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