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3D Frost Gloss Enamel, Glass Writer by DecoArt
3D Frost Gloss Enamel, Glass Writer by DecoArt Transparent, dimensional paint writers for glass and glazed ceramic surfaces Ideal for personalization, outlining, painting and stenciling 2 oz
Americana Glass Stain by DecoArt

Americana Glass Stain by DecoArt
Deco Art Glass Stain is a high-quality stain for glass and plastic. This permanent, transparent glass color is ideal for filling suncatchers, or staining glass or clear plastic Use leading to create ornate stained glass art Non-toxic, water clean-up

DecoArt Frost Gloss Enamel by DecoArt
DecoArt Frost Gloss Enamel by DecoArt 2 oz. Perfect for painting glassware, wood items as well as a variety of other surfaces Goes equally well on porous surfaces-no sealer required Colors match our regular Americana Acrylics with the same name