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Acrylic Fluid Medium, Matte by Winsor & Newton
Acrylic Fluid Matte Medium and Acrylic Fluid Gloss Medium create very fluid color providing greater adhesion and stability than thinning with water alone. 2 fl oz

Artists' Picture Cleaner by Winsor & Newton
Artists' Picture Cleaner by Winsor & Newton Made from a mixture of natural solvents and oils, Winsor & Newton Picture Cleaner dissolves oxidization and cleans soiled oil paintings 75 ml

Griffin Picture Varnish by Winsor & Newton
Griffin Picture Varnish by Winsor & Newton This colorless, general purpose varnish is used to protect paintings It dries quickly to a non-yellowing, non-blooming high gloss with excellent flexibility 2.5 oz

Linseed Oil, Bleached by Winsor & Newton
Bleached Linseed Oil by Winsor & Newton This refined, pale oil is processed to slightly increase viscosity Improves the flow of colors and dries faster than refined linseed oil

Linseed Oil, Cold Pressed by Winsor & Newton
Cold Pressed Linseed Oil by Winsor & Newton Cold-pressed linseed oil is a natural oil of low viscosity It is pressed from flax seeds without the use of heat Cold-pressed linseed oil offers greater purity and clarity

Linseed Oil, Stand by Winsor & Newton
Linseed Stand Oil by Winsor & Newton A pale, thick oil which can be mixed with Turpentine or Mineral Spirits to reduce the oil consistency and improve the flow of oil colors Dries to a tough elastic finish

Linseed Oil, Sun Thickened by Winsor & Newton
Sun Thickened, Linseed Oil by Winsor & Newton A pale, syrupy oil which increases the flow and transparency of oil colors and speeds their drying

Medium, Permanent Masking Fluid by Winsor & Newton
Permanent Masking Medium by Winsor & Newton 2.5 oz Used to mask specific areas of the paper making them resistant to water This medium can also be mixed with water colours and is ideal for isolating areas of fine detail Sections which have been treated with Permanent Masking Medium must be allowed to dry before overpainting A hair dryer can...

Medium, Watercolour Medium by Winsor & Newton
Watercolour Medium by Winsor & Newton 2.5 oz A pale colored gum solution which is used to improve the flow of watercolors Can be thinned with water
Red Sable Series 52 by Winsor & Newton

Red Sable Series 52 by Winsor & Newton
Red Sable Series 52 by Winsor & Newton
Red Sable Series 54 by Winsor & Newton

Red Sable Series 54 by Winsor & Newton
Red Sable Series 54 by Winsor & Newton

Sansodor Low Odor Solvent by Winsor & Newton
Sansodor Low Odor Solvent by Winsor & Newton A refined petroleum solvent which has no unpleasant odor and evaporates without leaving a residue Can be used for thinning oils and alkyds
Winsor & Newton Brush Set

Winsor & Newton Brush Set
Winsor & Newton Brush Sets 7/8 series 140, 3/4 series 995, 4 Regency Gold 740, 8 Regency Gold 700, 6 Sable series 720
Winsor & Newton Brush Set

Winsor & Newton Brush Set
Winsor & Newton Brush Set 5/8 Series 140, 00 and 1 Seris 3A Designers Sable, 1 Series 707 Pure Sable, 12 Regency Gold 700