Viking Woodcrafts Blog - January 31, 2021

Hello! It's 2021 and the new year is 1/12th of the way gone. Viking Woodcrafts has been working hard this month to find new product for you. Keep an eye on the website for some awesome finds.
Gift Cards
Did you know you can get gift cards from Viking Woodcrafts? The perfect gift for your artistic Valentine or your special painting buddy. Makes an awesome gift for Easter too! Just click on the photo below.
All about Books
Viking Woodcrafts has one of the best selection of painting books anywhere. With our wonderous roster of artists there is sure to be a design for everyone. From talents like Lynn Andrews and Priscilla Hauser, there are so many to choose from. There are also some great sales going on. Be sure to take a look... just click on the photo below.
Product of the Month
Our rectangular plaque with scrolled corners. A fun surface at a great price.
Be sure to look for Viking exclusive designer Marlene Fudge's awesome free pattern for this piece below...
Click on the photo to order this surface.
Free Pattern of the Month
The Park Bench
By Marlene Fudge CDA
I like to think of this design as a peaceful walk in the park on a beautiful spring day. Sitting on the bench next to the creek sounds like a perfect way to unwind and relax!
It is so hard to believe that I have been decorative painting for over 25 years! I have had the pleasure of having my designs published in numerous magazines and e-zines as well as teaching both locally and at conventions. I am very proud to be a DecoArt Helping Artist, a Dynasty Brand Specialist and a Viking Woodcrafts Exclusive Designer. My painting has given me so many wonderful opportunities and I have met the greatest friends along the way.
4 ½” x 8” Plaque, Rectangle w/scroll corners (Item #207-0553,
DecoArt Americana Acrylics
Black Green
Blue Haven
Blue Harbor
Charcoal Grey
Hauser Light Green
Hauser Medium Green
Lamp Black
Neutral Grey
Rookwood Red
Snow White
DecoArt Extreme Sheen
Antique Bronze
DecoArt Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer
Minwax Polycrylic Protective Varnish- Clear Satin
Dynasty Black Gold
#6 & 12 Shader- 206S
#5/0 Liner- 206L
#3 Round- 206R
½” Mop
Use the #12 shader to coat the entire surface with Multi-Purpose Sealer. Let dry well and lightly sand off any raised fibers. Transfer the lines for the distant trees and the horizon line only for now.
Use the #12 shader to paint the sky, Blue Haven. Mix together equal parts of Blue Haven + Black Green and paint the distant trees using the same brush. The ground and the water are painted with Black Green.
Sideload the #6 shader with Snow White and float the tops of the clouds in the sky. You want to keep the tops of the clouds with a crisp line and then mop the bottoms of the clouds to soften them into the sky.
Distant Trees:
Use the Medium Mezzaluna brush to tap in Hauser Medium Green for the tree tops on the distant trees. Using the dirty brush, tap in some extra highlights here and there with Hauser Light Green.
Let dry and transfer the design for the trees and water line. (Only transfer the trunks of the trees so you have a guideline.)
Using the #12 shader, float Hauser Medium Green along the grass areas. Mop in the direction of the small hills to soften the floats. Use the Mezzaluna brush to lightly tap in some Hauser Light Green grass.
Pine Trees:
To add the pine trees, load the Mezzaluna brush with Black Green. Hold the brush vertically and tap in the trunk first. Turn your brush horizontally and starting at the tree top, start tapping in the branches. Keep them smaller towards the top and make them wider as you go down to the ground.
Repeat in a smaller area with Hauser Medium Green to highlight the branches. Let dry and transfer the design for the fence and the park bench.
Use the liner brush to paint the fence with Neutral Grey. Shade the rails next to the posts with Charcoal Grey, using the #6 shader. (Switch to the liner for the distant areas.) Shade the left sides of the posts and along the bottom where they go into the grass with Charcoal Grey. Highlight the posts with Driftwood using the same brushes.
Remaining Trees:
Base coat the trunks of the trees with Charcoal Grey using the round brush. Add the branches with the liner brush. Shade the left side of the trunks with Lamp Black using the #6 shader. Highlight the trunks with Driftwood.Use the Mezzaluna brush to tap in some foliage with Black Green. Change the directions of the brush to make the foliage have a more natural look. Highlight the foliage with Hauser Light Green.
Park Bench:
Base coat the slats in the bench with Rookwood Red using the liner brush. Add the sides and bottom of the bench with Lamp Black using the liner. Highlight the slats and the sides with White using the liner.
Float a wash of Black Green under the bench for a shadow using the #6 shader. Add a shadow coming from the trees and the fence posts with the same color.
Make a puddle of Charcoal Grey and Neutral Grey on your palette. Base coat the rocks with the round brush by randomly using the colors listed. Use the dirty brush when changing colors, it is okay if the colors mix. Shade the rocks with Black where they meet the water. Use the #6 shader to highlight the tops of all of the rocks with Driftwood. Skip the color along the tops to make them look rough.
Use the #12 shader to wash some Blue Haven horizontally through the water. Mop from side to side to soften. Using the #8 shader, load the brush with a small amount of White and holding the brush up on the chisel edge, add some water lines around the rocks.
Use the liner brush to add some little grasses here and there around the trees, fence, bench and rocks with Hauser Light Green. Add some little blue flowers with the liner brush and Blue Harbor.
Paint the scrolled area with Antique Bronze using the #12 shader. Let dry well. Remove any remaining transfer lines. Varnish with 2-3 coats of Polycrylic.
- Diane Marie Kellogg